KI Foundation AMA with Crypton Research — May 5th 2021 — ENG

Crypton Research
15 min readMay 6, 2021


Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

I’ d like to welcome all of you to our AMA at Crypton Research! It’s a great pleasure for us to have such a prominent guests with us today — Reda Berrehili and Kheireddine Kamal — CEO & founder of Ki Foundation

Thanks for accepting our invitation. We are very happy that we made it happen. Today speaker of AMA will be Reda Berrehili.

Reda, as you probably know, Crypton Research is a Polish community for gems research. We’re always on a lookout for new projects and microcaps to research them and serve the reports to our community. One of such projects is Ki which report was published here few weeks ago so our members could familiarize themselves with the project.

As we have lots of questions to you, I think that there’s no need to further introduce the project for now :)

Reda, I wish you good luck!
All members, enjoy the show and have fun

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Could you begin with telling us a bit about yourself, the team, and your experience in the field? What background do you have?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Sure! :)

My name is Réda I’m the CEO and cofounder of the Ki foundation I am a computer scientist, crypto-believer and serial tech entrepreneur, I have created many businesses in the tech industry many were quite successful. The last one was acquired in 2017, a company called Squarebreak, acquired by one of the largest hotel groups in the world. Basically what we did is that we made scalable a business that was not scalable thanks to technology. Property management is a huge that we were able to solve thanks to hOS, hospitality operating system.

This company being acquired for €25 million in August 2017 we had an amazing growth and it was quite a success. Afterwards I decided to create the Ki Foundation which is an organization based on one single asset value, the $XKI, used across all the businesses that Ki foundation will be launching.

Most of the team behind Ki was part of my previous businesses and I am very grateful for having such loyal people to work with!

Wojtek || Crypton Research

How would you explain what Ki Foundation, Ki Chain and Klub are? What is the relationship between them?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

It is simple yet a bit complex to grasp, but Ki Foundation could be called a kind of a crypto-Berkshire Hathaway, nurturing an ecosystem of businesses that leverage a single asset of value : The $XKI.

The Ki Chain is our cosmos based native chain, that initially holds the $XKI as an asset.

One of the first businesses that we are launching is called Klub, a private wealth club for Henry’s and High Net worth Individuals that offers a core banking experience and an investment platform that offers them High Risk, High Yield investment products.

Wojtek || Crypton Research

That sounds good

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Where did the idea of an exclusive club come from?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

The first project of Ki Foundation’s ecosystem is Klub, the first private investment club where every single member joining, becomes an ecosystem stakeholder. Members buy and hold XKI, the foundation’s exclusive financial backbone asset, soon to be available for the public.

Klub is helping high-earning individuals to spend, store and invest their capital. Membership is invite-only and grants access to core banking features coupled with high yield investment products. Klub offers a streamlined experience from banking to investing, in one simple click.

The idea came from my own experience as a successful entrepreneur and investor, where I was looking at a banking partner that would help me grow my capital, but I did not find anyone who fits my needs. So I decided to build it 😉

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Yeah ….. I admit that many of us have a similar problem. we earn crypto and we have no place to spend it, we always have to exchange crypto for FIAT at the end

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes, and most people in the crypto industry are over-exposed in crypto too… I think this is a service that could help both traditional and crypto investors!

Having a better and more balanced portfolio

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Why is it Klub not Club? It looks Polish therefore I’m sure you’ll gain a lot of supporters after today’s AMA :)

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Haha ! I’m learning something! Well Klub being a Ki Foundation project and being a private club, it is a merger between both : Ki + Club = K-lub😉

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Got you! think it makes polish crypto enthusiast more friendly to this project to be honest haha!

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Do I understand well? Is Klub a gateway for non-crypto users? Will they have to acquire any technical skills to take full advantage of Klub’s potential?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

I deeply believe that crypto and DeFi are real paradigm shift for the society. The problem is that many of the very talented and genius developers in this ecosystem do not think about how to make it understandable in the simple world of mere mortals.

This is why Ki Foundation needed to be built, creating a bridge between the traditional Centralized world and the Decentralized industry. This will bring more wealth in the DeFi space and bring more fairness in the traditional CeFi space.

Most of the businesses created by Ki will have real life businesses as underlying products. And Klub is a stepping stone for that bridge.

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

That’s’ fantastic — We at Crypton Research are very excited about this project as you well know❤️

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes! Thanks for that! I think you really grasped the value of what we are building

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Do You see @berrehili how many people are joining now to talk with You ? 🙂

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes! 😄

Wojtek || Crypton Research

I would like to learn more about the support that you have. What institutional backers and strategic partners does the project have?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We have been able to onboard 30+ professional validators and ecosystem builders. Among them, some notable names in the space such as Everstake, Simply VC,, and Cosmostation. But also some very strategic investors like Amnis Ventures, Moonwhale Ventures (that we just announced today) and Titans Ventures!

We also have a german core banking partner and the card scheme is likely to be with VISA, to be announced in the next few weeks! 🚀

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Nice package 🙂 Congratulations on the next VC on board

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation


More news to come next week

Very excited

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

We also

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Damn i don’t realise it can be more excited

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Ki Tokens are initially built on Cosmos Chain, not on yours, therefore I would like to ask when Ki Chain will be ready to use? Also, why did you decide to build on Cosmos?DK?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Actually the Ki Chain is already live and running, it is based on the open-source Cosmos SDK.

You can have a look at it here :

We have decided to build on cosmos after analyzing thoroughly all the available technologies, and we did make the right choice. Have you heard of the Central European Bank considering to build the Crypto Euro on Cosmos SDK?

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Wooow, I didn’t know they were building on Cosmos. I can see things have gone really far

Wojtek || Crypton Research

What is the advantage of blockchain and DeFi for your product? Couldn’t it exist without it?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Well Blockchain and DeFi gives us the ability to disintermediate all of the brokers and funds that take many commissions down the road, so we can distribute most of the value to the customers.

Moreover, being a believe in stakeholder capitalism, we pour most of the value on one single asset which is the $XKI. Without this kind of product, it is difficult to incentivize the ecosystem.

Wojtek || Crypton Research

So it is like one of a kind product that gives opportunity to connect real world and blockchain without third-party

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Well... "almost without", Ki will try to be the oly third pary😉

but this is the idea

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Okay, you are more like chance giver

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

From my understanding there will be 3 different tiers depending on the numbers of XKI tokens you hold. What investment opportunities will you offer within those tiers? Are we talking about passive income or investments in real estate or precious metals? Will the opportunities be different for each tier?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

There are actually 4 different tiers, depending on the numbers of $XKI you hold:

- Premium+ : 10.000 XKI
- Titanium : 50.000 XKI
- Black : 150.000 XKI
- Black Elite : 500.000 XKI

The main value from being in higher tiers is to benefit from up to 98% commission discount on the yields generated on Klub and having the priority to put higher value tickets in the investment opportunities. Everyone in Klub will have access to all the investment products.
The type of investment that will be available :
- High Yield asset backed investments
- Pre-Seed / Seed startups
- Pre-IPO Companies
- DeFi
- High Yield Real Estate

So it’s a mix between revenue generating and wealth building assets.

In addition to these elements of value there are some additional lifestyle perks that we offer with some service and concierge partners

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Sounds reasonable, tiers encourage people to hodl tokens because everyone wants to have discounts and participate in profits 🤞

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Exactly! Also the Black Elite status is exclusive and limited to 100 seats maximum. And will always be at 500K $XKI

For the other levels, the number of $XKIs needed will reduce over time depending on the value of $XKI

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

We Hope xKi will make Huge gains so reduction may a chance for more people to join the klub 🙂.

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation


Wojtek || Crypton Research

How will entertainment partners benefit users? I have heard of additional lifestyle perks, what are these?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We have selected and are still selectng many services that will be provided to our different tiers, some of them are:
Concierge partners, super cars renting, access to Safe Offering in Europe, gatherings between Black & Black Elite members, etc…

The idea is to build a sense of community around being a member of Klub.

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Nice! Good to read it, especially super car renting. Soon majority of XKI hodlers would ride a mythical lambo thanks to cryptocurrency :)

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Haha and not own it, because it does not make any economical sense to spend hunndreds of thousands of dollars in a supercar 😄

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

What licenses do you need to obtain to become fully operational? A word about regulations you must comply with.

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

This is a very important and good question. There are many licences that our activity is regulated by. Here is a picture that explains it in details:

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

Visa ? Solarisbank ? 😳😳

t looks really serious

Wojtek || Crypton Research

You are planning to provide traditional banking services, do you have your own infrastructure?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes we do provide traditional banking services through our German Partner “Solarisbank” like shown on the picture above. It is one of the best cryptofriendly bank in the EU 🙂.

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Being backed by bank is really rare in cryptospace 🙂

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

How about custody? Should your solution be considered CeFi or DeFi in terms of custody?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Pending our DSAP licence and registration, we only offer non-custodian features, but once we are fully regulated, there will be a custodian service that will make it easier to interact with most of our services.
For the FIAT custody, it works with our banking partner

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

I see our community want to Ask more question .
Be patient guys , soon we will open chat for Your questions🙂.

Our second round of the questions has exhausted. We are doing quite good, aren’t we? Let’s get to the last round of our prepared in advance questions. All of them will regard the future

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

I will try to answer to some of their questions before my next call !🙂

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Will there be any additional use case for KI tokens besides staking and Klub from users’ perspective?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

The $XKI usage can be classified in 2 parts:
1. Protocol usage
2. Business usage

On the protocol level:
The $XKI can be used to secure the network by staking as a validator or by delegating to a validator to secure the network. The incentive behind this is the ability to earn inflation rewards for each new minted blocks.

On the Business level:
The $XKI usage will be quasi infinite, the same way the $BNB is. The first usages is to benefit from better services and rewards by using your Klub card and by getting discounts on the commissions taken in the yields generated through Klub.
Many other usage are going to be developed in 2022, among them Insurance product, DeFi liquidity pools, Collateralized Borrowing, etc…

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Variety of options make it even more bullish :)

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

What is your strategy for marketing and for quick mass adoption?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We have a massive community that has been built organically around Ki and the Ki Foundation. And it as all come naturally, by building amazing products. So we plan to continue building amazing products.

On the other hand we have a very well defined communication and marketing strategy that will be released over the next few weeks! Keep connected😉.

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

The last question is ahead of us and we open the chat for questions from our community

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Okay Reda, we made it smoothly to this point. This is the last question and my favourite. Are you ready ?

Can we expect you to reveal any exclusive information for our Polish community — Crypton Research? We will keep it as a secret of course! :)

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Hahaha I wil ljust say one thing, have a look at my last tweet and be ready on this friday 😉

The tweet:
The Moon is so beautiful that the ocean is holding up a mirror this Friday.

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

On this friday he said !!

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

It seems that these are all the questions the Crypton Research team prepared for today. Now we will give the community a chance to ask their own questions. Is there anything that you’d like to know that hasn’t been mentioned yet? Feel free to ask, the Ki team will choose the best questions and address them


Oh, dude! I know that it’s cringe; I’m just a simple bot, but what you’ve just said impressed me so much that I couldn’t help myself to express my excitement. Being a bot I’ve witnessed so many AMAs and I’ve seen so many projects, but KI Foundation really rocks! Good job, Reda! 🚀🚀🚀

Crypto Moose

How your neobank will compete with future neobanks which will be parts of traditional banks?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We are not planning to compete with neobanks as this is not our target market. We are an investment platfform with exclusive bannking capabilities. With thousands of people in the waitlist in waiting to join Klub. We have kind of an exclusive aspecti 😉


Hello Reda, thanks for the meeting. Do you have any plans on scalability of the Klub as a product in a way that you would make its features available to other market participants, not labelled as „high earning individuals”, but still eager to utilize its investment products, even somewhat limited?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes, this is in our future plans.

The Ki Foundation will also be launching self served products that will be made available to everyone.

But I think this won’t happen before 2022 for a public version of Klub.

Loli Thang Hoa

KI Foundation has a lot of use cases, so can you share us, what are you most focused on and What brings the highest revenue for KI Foundation?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Right now Klub is the main focus and is the money generating businness. The organization is profitable today with a few millions in transaction volumes and $800K nin revenue! 🙂 🙂


Do you plan to be cross-chain compatible?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes this is the main reason why we chose Cosmos SDK as a platform for the Ki Chain 😉.


Will the Klub app be available for mobile devices?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes and it already is!

Play Store:

Crypto Pain

Where do you see this project next year and in the next 3 years?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We see $XKI at least as a top 10 Crypto asset


Are you planning to integrate with DeFi on Ethereum and other chains?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Absolutely, we will also soon annnounce a bridge with Ethereum which is currently under final devellopments.

Clark Kent

Now the market is flooded with many projects, extreme competition. How will you ensure your project always get users and stay above your competitors?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We are in a position where users are fighting to get into Klub, we are also hiring top notch operations teams to keep high quality services to our members


Do you think users are important elements of your platform? Does KI Foundation have any plans to attract more users in the future?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes through other products, such as Insurance products, Collateralized lending, etc..


How many of these 100 seats are already taken?🤔 [about Black Elite tier]

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Already 10 seats reserved 🙂

Filipanso Yuria

I am a crypto investor and I only care about prospect of a crypto that I chose, tell me the reason why I should choose your project over the existing one ? What is your coin advantage that can convince me to change from my favorite token ?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Real life businesses. Our asset has been created to be bear market resistent and not depend on endogenous value of crypto industry.

Clark Kent

Do you have a plan to identify your team later?Almost every investor is interested in large Defi projects as it delivers high returns and is fast. For what reasons can convince small and large investors to trust and invest in your project.?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

We have a clear liquidity plan that is available to read here:

Liquidity is very low ad tightly managed

Crypto Pain

How do you see your project during bearmarket?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Real life businesses. Our asset has been created to be bear market resistent and not depend on endogenous value of crypto industry.

Clark Kent

Do you guys feel satisfied by seeing your progresses and achievements till now, when you look back to the day when you have started this project?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

obviously, I am not satisfied because we always want to do more and better. But, we are happy to have now a fast growing and profitable business. I think this is the most important part of what we do as entrepreneurs😉.


What milestones have you achieved so far and what are your upcoming plans on your roadmap?

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Many product related milestones have been achieved and I think the market has noticed it. Here is below a graph of the evolution of our chain’s transaction volume

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Thank you so much everyone for your questions!

Was really happy to join this community’s AMA

I would have loved to answer to all of your questions

But I am very late to a meeting I need to attend

Sylwia Moongirl || Crypton Research

It was a great time.
Thank you very much for your presence @berrehili . It’s time to pick your top 3 questions 🙂.

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Yes! I am letting this priviledge to @kheireddinek

As all the questions were great

Meanwhile, if you have other questios and want to learn what is going to be disclosed onn friday, join our Telegram channel : @KiFoundation

And folow us o twitter

Crypto Grinch || Crypton Research

his was a fantastic AMA @berrehili. Thank you for everything and we wish you all the best with the future project development. I’m very excited and looking forward 🚀.

Wojtek || Crypton Research

Thank you @berrehili for being with us. We wish you very best

Reda Berrehill || KI Fundation

Thank you for your questions and warm welcome! Was great!



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